The Most Common Femdom Tools for A Dominatrix

by FemdomWebsites

Femdom Tools

Welcome to the world of a dominatrix's femdom tools! In order to write this article, I have interviewed some successful professional dominatrixes around the world. I hope this article will give you some valuable insights into BDSM.

Basic BDSM accessories

Obviously, as a professional dominatrix, BDSM toys such as whips, canes, paddles, a dungeon and cameras are the basic accessories. Basically, a BDSM session is just like a play party for two people: the professional dominatrix and her client. She is supposed to meet the client's needs, so a wide variety of toys and accessories are required. These are all very well-known items that you can easily see on the Internet.

Relevant fashion tools

A dominatrix needs a few leather outfits and chains. Karen is an experienced dominatrix who loves barbed wire necklaces. She says some clients can be aroused simply by looking at her barbed wire necklaces.

Also, a few pairs of boots are necessary as well. Linda, a seasoned dominatrix from Melbourne Australia, likes boots and harnesses as much as her clients do!

Powerful makeup

Red lipstick. Black eyeliner. Brown mascara. Use whatever makes you feel sexy. Rachel, a dominatrix from the United States, has 5 bottles of perfume which are used at the beginning of the first session with a new client: She asks the client to choose his favorite perfume which will be used during the session. Never underestimate the power of scent because it stays in your memory for a very long time….

A professionally trained dominant voice

Frankly, if a professional dominatrix only has some basic BDSM accessories and toys, she can't stand out from the crowd.

What will actually set her apart is something that can't be bought online or in a store: a trained dominant voice.

For example, Gigi is a wildly successful dominatrix with a unique voice. Her distinct voice has been professionally trained. Her trainer is a senior dominatrix who has summarized a range of principles and strategies regarding a dominant voice, e.g., when to use more air and when to use less air while talking to a client. In this way, the texture of the dominatrix's voice varies throughout the session. Variety is the spice of life; for most clients, variety is the key to a successful BDSM session.

A highly attractive body

Body confidence is paramount. Every successful dominatrix that I've met has an extremely attractive body. (Think Marilyn Monroe and Christina Hendricks.) They are so attractive. Insanely sexy. Therefore, ambitious dominatrixes hire personal trainers at the gym to help them improve their fitness and body confidence. What's more, they don't eat junk food & they believe that exercise and diet are the cornerstone of good health.

Another aspect is rarely discussed by BDSM participants, but it's an interesting fact: Some high-profile dominatrixes prioritize their sleep, so they don't organize BDSM sessions after 10pm. Indeed, sleep plays an important role in every woman's health and wellbeing.

Speaking of a highly attractive body, we can't avoid talking about beautiful breasts. Yes, large and fabulous breasts are very powerful in a BDSM session. So, successful dominatrixes give their breasts a sensual massage frequently (this is usually done by their own partners rather than clients because professional dominatrixes do not have sex with their clients). Research shows that massage which is done in circular motion is the best, especially when it's done on one breast at a time.

Her multi-dimensional personality

Since different clients have different needs and expectations, a switched-on dominatrix surely has a multi-dimensional personality that works for her as well as her clients.

Wendy is a dominatrix from Canada. She has an irresistible personality: She is feminine, domineering, caring and formidable. When her feminine and caring side and her domineering and formidable side are combined, her personality has a unique pairing in it. That's why her clients told her that she is irreplaceable.

An open mind

Being open-minded isn't just about being able to accept different opinions and worldviews. In fact, it's about being able to operate from different belief systems.

A successful dominatrix has a variety of clients who have very different desires. Hence, she needs to be truly open-minded so as to interact with every client effectively, thereby making every BDSM session meaningful, satisfying and rewarding.


A smart dominatrix sees every situation from her client's perspective because she has the ultimate femdom tool – empathy.

Just like a capable marketer reads the typical customer's mind like an open book, a capable dominatrix understands each client really well. That's why she built a successful career in the BDSM world.

The above-mentioned eight femdom tools for a dominatrix are the most common necessities. If a dominatrix can master all of these tactfully, she will certainly be the queen of her clients' physical, mental and sexual world.